
A scintillating account of my adventures in Nerddom!

Monday, June 21, 2010


Having completed steps 1 & 2, I'll be moving right along to 3. I perused our list of 23 things, and found that while I'm familiar with most of them, I haven't actually used many of them personally. So, I'm looking forward to getting to play around with some of these "things" and seeing what I can do with them! 

Of the 7.5 life-long learning habits, I believe that I am best at the first. I'm very good at setting goals and deciding upon the appropriate courses of action to follow to reach these ends. My problem is a mix of numbers 2 and 3. Once I  make a plan, sometimes it's too easy for me to find reasons to put off implementing it. Instead of overcoming challenges, I use them as an excuse to avoid working towards a goal. There are a handful of goals that I've repeatedly set (like running, brushing up on my Spanish, spending more time on the beach, etc.) that have all fallen by the wayside because other, "more important" things have come  up. Going through the 7.5 habits has made me look at this pattern, and maybe putting this down in writing, and then keeping up with it will help me to stay focused.

That's all for tonight. It's been raining all evening, so now it's time to walk the dog.

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